The Fox’s Den Show has been a part of the Friday night schedule on Vixen 101 since April 3rd 2009.
Initially a 2-hour show, the co-hosts Bill & Jools soon found that they were running out of time and couldn’t fit all the features in that they wanted to include. So, in October 2009 the show was extended to three hours, 9pm – midnight.
Since then, the show has gone from strength to strength. Each show consists of three hours of unsigned music – local, national and international – and there is always a guest singing live in the studio, some weeks the guests are doubled up. Unlike other shows that have guests live on air, we include the guests as part of the show, giving them the full three hours on-air exposure they deserve.
Since April 2010, Jools has taken a hiatus from co-presenting. However, he beevers away behind the scenes creating jingles when required and also finding new music for airplay. Dave ‘Catweazle’ Henderson took over from Jools, leaving after a couple of years in the co-host’s chair. Sadly, Dave passed away in December 2016.
The current team consists of Bill in the Captain’s chair, with Bill’s brother, Steve, sitting opposite as well as The Lady of The Cake. We’ve also had ‘Celebrity Stooges’ from the local music scene co-host, too. ‘Celebrity Stooges’ include York drummer Loz Goodacre (who co-hosted for a year), Roo Moore from Drystone Radio, Skipton, Glynn Jaine from an electronica band, Destination, Martin Peirson, from Adastra Music, Vinnie Whitehead from local band Vinnie & The Stars and Gary Hammond, percussionist from The Hut People and formerly of The Beautiful South.

The show has a very active Facebook page where you will find up-to-date news of what’s coming up on the show. Also, if you’re unable to listen to the show on a Friday night, we podcast the whole three hours. This podcast goes live on a Sunday evening and each show is available for six weeks. You can either listen to the podcast via your web browser or it can be downloaded from Podbean.
Below is a calendar of future shows. If you are an artist, whether solo, duo or band, check the calendar for free dates and if there’s a date that you are available, drop us an email to foxs.den@vixen101.co.uk. If you fit the bill to be a ‘Celebrity Stooge’, also send an email and your preferred date and we’ll squeeze you in.
Get in touch
Studio: 01430 879101
Office: 01430 875830
Email: studio@vixen101.co.uk
Hi Jools/Bill,
I sent you a disc by “Joe Dunne” a Leeds university lad, good stuff from an undergraduate, did you get the disc,
Can you schedule Joe in to play for you?